What Qigong can do for you.
Qigong ("Chee gong") is generally described as a sequence of gentle movements combined with visualization. In truth, the mental work--the visualization--IS the Qigong. The moving of the qi, the healing and the transformative power of Qigong, is all in the mental work; the physical movements add the element of exercise.
Practicing Qigong balances all systems of the mind, body, and spirit. Because Qigong provides the balance you specifically need, it can help you:
Lower (or raise, if needed) your blood pressure
Improve your ability to balance
Increase your flexibility
Feel more centered
Sleep better
Clear toxins out of your body
Improve your ability to handle stress
Balance your energy (increase, decrease, or smooth out)
Boost your immune system
Access your own spirituality
Develop your psychic powers
Increase your creativity
Boost your mental powers
Become healthier in mind, body, and spirit